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What is your name? 
Blake Green

What is your position with the Y?
Health & Wellness Coach

What Y centre/program do you work with? 
Kelowna DTY

What do you always find yourself saying? 
"If you can't handle heat, get out of the kitchen" 

If you could spend one whole day with anyone in the world who is currently alive, who would you select? 
Tony Robbins

If you were to receive any existing public award, what award would you like to win?
Mark Twain Award

Please explain one fond memory you have of the Y. 
Kelowna Family YMCA fitness staff meeting 2020, where two of our paddle boards sunk. Luckily enough that day, Allister had brought the rescue board, and we were all brought back to shore safely.

What are you doing to stay connected while at home? 
Making sure to designate extra time for friends and family during these difficult times, whether it's via phone call, skype, Zoom, or setting aside extra time for one on one relationships at home.  

Are you staying connected with your Y family during this time, and if so, how? 
The YMCA of the Okanagan is so amazing when it comes to communication, every team member has done such an incredible job staying in touch over the past few months.

Where is your favourite place to “dine”/order takeout in the Okanagan right now?
Taki Japanese Grill

What is your favourite activity while social distancing in the Okanagan? 
My family and I spent the summer being beach bums.

Who inspires you (within your Y family or elsewhere)?
I am currently inspired by the number of professional athletes who are using their platforms for awareness and change. 

YMCA of Okanagan Staff Spotlight: Blake Green

What are 3 things on your bucket list? 
Get married in Las Vegas, Sky Dive, Travel to Bora Bora 

Tell us about a defining moment in your life. 
Moving to British Columbia from New Brunswick 

What are you passionate about? 
Family, Sports & Fitness, Culinary Arts/Nutrition, Music

What has been your favourite day of your life, up to this point? 
The birth of my beautiful daughter Blayre

What do you miss the most about your Y? 
Swimming laps then hot tub to follow.

If you could achieve one thing within your field, what would it be? 
Bachelor's Degree in Sports Sciences

What 3 qualities do you feel your Y exemplifies? 
Patience, hardworking, determination 

How does your team/facility/program make a difference every day (now or pre-COVID)? 
Their message is just very inspiring, I am very proud to work at the YMCA. The effort that is put back into the community, in my opinion, is second to none. 

What words of encouragement would you say to our Y member/participants/families right now? 
Be kind, we are all in this together, a little love and compassion goes a long way!

What would you like to say to your fellow staff/volunteer team? 
I want to thank both the Kelowna Family YMCA, and the DTY for making me a part of their family/team I have experienced nothing but positivity at both centres from day one.  

How has your role changed during COVID? 
Lots, and Lots, of cleaning. 

What does community mean to you? 
I come from a culinary background, so I believe in the Farm to Fork mentality. We need to support each other and we give back to the community. 

What is your favorite part of your job? 
Helping make a difference in someone's day or life! 

What Y team member would you like to give a shout-out to and why? 
I am going to give a shout out to Roxanne Pederson for giving me the opportunity to be a part of the YMCA team!!