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What is your name?
Jennifer Bulcock

What is your position with the Y?
Health & Fitness Supervisor – Group Fitness
Volunteer Coordinator

What Y centre do you work with?

What do you always find yourself saying?
I’m not sure what I say but I do know that I can usually be found with a smile on my face.

If you could spend one whole day with anyone in the world who is currently alive, who would you select?
Other than my husband, I would love to spend a day with someone like Jay Shetty. He is a motivational speaker and I find his podcasts very inspirational and connected to what is currently happening.

Please explain one fond memory you have of the Y.
I have a few memories but one that stands out for me is when our fitness volunteer cycle instructors came together to ride for Cycle for Strong Kids. Out of all of our volunteer cycle instructors probably 95% of them wanted to help at our annual fundraiser. It felt so wonderful to see that our volunteer team was so connected to the Y and wanted to help more.

What are you doing to stay connected while at home?
While I am at home, I am connecting with our fitness team via our FB group, joining Zoom meeting, going for hikes or texting. Mostly I have been taking care of myself and finding what matters to me through regular exercise and doing more home cooking and creating healthier habits before going back to work.

It is definitely a different time right now but I have had a chance to connect with my family. With my kids, I have had the chance to work with them on their home schooling and help them through the emotions of being isolated. My husband and we have had the chance to go through our home and get to tasks that have always been put to the side due to regular hectic life with family and work.

Where is your favourite place to “dine”/order takeout in the Okanagan right now?
Right now, I do not have a favorite place to order takeout. We are trying to eat more home cooked healthy meals and save money while laid off. We are finding a lot of easy and tasty recipes.

What is your favourite activity while social distancing in the Okanagan?
Sitting in my front lawn catching up with a friend while enjoying a glass of wine.

What are 3 things on your bucket list?

  • Visit all the National Parks
  • Visit Disney World (once it is safe to travel again)
  • Own a Shelby GT 500 signed by Mr. Shelby himself

What are you passionate about?
I am passionate about many things but teaching and leading others in fitness to feel good about themselves and helping them feel that they can do anything is empowering to me.

What has been your favourite day of your life, up to this point?
This is a hard one. I have had so many. The one most recently would be our family trip to Disneyland. It was an adventure from the start. The look in my children’s eyes when we got there was priceless.

What do you miss the most about your Y?
I just miss being around everyone. You don’t realize what you might miss until it is taken away. The social interaction with everyone and hearing their stories is definitely something I miss.

What 3 qualities do you feel your Y exemplifies?
Support, community and caring friendly staff

How does your team/facility/program make a difference every day (now or pre-COVID)?
The difference our team makes is endless. Our fitness team made a large impact in everyone they were in contact with. From being a listening ear to helping someone reach their health goals.

What words of encouragement would you say to our Y member/participants/families right now?
COVID may have isolated us but it has also given us the time to self reflect and find out what is truly important to each of us.

What would you like to say to your fellow staff/volunteer team?
I am looking forward to seeing everyone back at work soon and to reconnect with those who I have not been in touch with for a while.

What does community mean to you?
Community to me means support, social, and caring.

What is your favorite part of your job?
My favorite part of my job aligns a lot with what I am passionate about. Seeing people in my classes enjoying their time at the Y.

What Y team member would you like to give a shout-out to and why?
This is a hard question to answer as I have not been at work for 3 months but I would shout out all of those giving their time to lead virtual classes to our community. Michelle, Collin, Alyson and anyone else I may have missed.