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What is your name? 
Larissa Crack

What is your position with the Y?
Young Parent Program Family Facilitator

What Y centre/program do you work with? 
KSS Playing to Learn Child Care/Young Parent Program

What do you always find yourself saying? 
We will find a way to make it happen.

If you were to receive a public award, what would you like to win for? 
Compassion and dedication

What are you doing to stay connected while at home?
I am working on furthering my education by training in equine assisted wellness. I will be able to offer equine assisted counselling in September 2020!

Are you staying connected with your Y family during this time, and if so, how? 
The KSS Playing to Learn site remained open during COVID-19 and I am so proud of the whole child care team for maintaining a safe place for our young parents to bring their children.

Where is your favourite place to “dine”/order takeout in the Okanagan right now? 
Pizza... if there is pizza I am happy ? — if pizza is not on the menu than the Italian Kitchen in lake country!

What is your favourite activity while social distancing in the Okanagan?
Bike rides and day trips out on a boat swimming in the middle of the lake.

Who inspires you?
The entire child care team. Their dedication, compassion and patience always amazes me.

What’s on your bucket list? 
Own a hobby farm, spend a year traveling.

Tell us about a defining moment in your life. 
When I was a teen I got myself into a lot of trouble. I dropped out of school in grade 9 and lived homeless on the streets of Vancouver from 14 to 18 years old. When I became a young parent, my daughter motivated me to take my life back and give her a healthy, safe and loving home. I graduated from college, and then university and with 10 years' experience in the mental health field I can now support the next generation of young parents and their families.

What are you passionate about?
People and animals. This is why I am so excited to be combining counselling with horses as I believe that this model can benefit so many people!

If you could achieve one thing within your field, what would it be? 
Successful private practice that allows me to also help those that are oppressed and facing multiple barriers.

What 3 qualities do you feel your Y exemplifies? 
Compassion, teamwork, support

How does your team/facility/program make a difference every day?
Supporting the next generation of families and creating lifelong changes by offering non-judgmental services directed exactly where each individual participant would benefit from. Ensuring young parents receive healthy attachment and support so they can pass that along to their kids.

What words of encouragement would you say to our Y members/participants/families right now? 
Keep going! Even the smallest steps forward come together to create changes towards a healthy and happy future.

How has your role changed during COVID-19?
 Not as much as I initially thought it would. The biggest change would be meeting participants individually instead of in the classroom as a group.

What does community mean to you?
Together we can do or be anything. Support and encouragement in reaching our goals no matter how big or small.

What is your favorite part of your job?
Watching young parents and their children grow and being able to be a part of their successes, and supporting them through their barriers.

What Y team member would you like to give a shout-out to and why?
Frine. She has been so helpful and patient as I learned the different parts of my job, showing me how to do the same paperwork 5 times and not showing even an ounce of frustration.