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What is your name?
My name is Sophie Greidanus.

What is your position with the Y?
I worked as a lifeguard and a swimming lesson instructor.

What Y centre/program do you work with (regularly, outside of COVID-19)?
I was employed at the Kelowna Family YMCA.

What do you always find yourself saying?
The phrase “whatever happens, happens” comes up for me rather often. It reminds me that I can’t control everything and that things will work out eventually. I probably say “NO RUNNING!” the most though. (Even when I’m not at the pool!)

If you could spend one whole day with anyone in the world who is currently alive, who would you select?
I would love to spend a day with Camilla D’Errico, a Vancouver based artist known for her surrealist paintings. She has been a great inspiration to me, and I would love to see what a day in her life as a successful artist would look like, ask her some questions and maybe even get feedback on my own work.

If you were to receive any existing public award, what award would you like to win?
The Governor General’s Award in Visual and Media Arts.

Please explain one fond memory you have of the Y.
There was one day in August of 2019, when we had a movie night in the pool. We ended up watching my favourite film, Jaws. We all came in right before the facility closed for the day, set up a potluck and pumped up some floating chairs. The best part was that everyone had to hold onto the lane ropes to keep from floating away from the screen. It was very special for me to share one of my favourite things in one of my favourite places.

What are you doing to stay connected while at home (personal connections)?
To stay connected, my friends and I have been sending messages to one another and hosting weekly Zoom sessions, all with varying themes to keep it interesting. Sometimes my group plays Dungeons and Dragons or sets up fun activities. Last week we did a Google tour of world attractions, including Legoland, Universal Studios, Seaworld and the Louvre.

Are you staying connected with your Y family during this time, and if so, how?
I miss my Y family a lot, but we have been keeping connected through video conferences and online messaging. However, I also run a weekly webcomic about working at the pool, illustrating what it’s like to be a lifeguard. It helps me to feel connected to my YMCA community, making my friends and coworkers laugh truly makes me happy.

Where is your favourite place to “dine”/order takeout in the Okanagan right now?
I’ve been enjoying a lot of Dairy Queen lately. I’ve been going out for ice cream every once in a while when the weather is nice.

What is your favourite activity while physical distancing in the Okanagan?
Bike riding has been an activity I enjoy quite a bit during this time. I like cycling to the grocery store or out for ice cream. When I’m inside, I love to draw, mostly cartoons, and small comics. Including a webcomic I publish about working as a lifeguard at the Y. It is called life.guard.comix and can be read for free on Instagram.

Who inspires you (within your Y family or elsewhere)?
My friend Saharrah inspires me every day. She is so kind, absolutely hilarious, and extremely talented at dance and storytelling. She reminds me to be the best I can be and I am truly thankful for that.

What are 3 things on your bucket list?
There are quite a few things I would love to do, but the top three things on my bucket list would be:

  1. Go to the three biggest movie theatres on Hollywood Boulevard (The Egyptian Theatre, The TCL Chinese Theatre and El Capitan)
  2. Work on a movie or TV show, as an actress or with special effects
  3. Swim with sharks

Tell us about a defining moment in your life.
When I was 16, my family moved from Cochrane to Kelowna. It was a little bit sudden, and definitely difficult, but I grew a lot as a person and I am very grateful for that. I was able to achieve many of my goals with the things I learned while moving—and all of the things that came with it—like going to a new school, learning to make friends again, and getting my first job.

What are you passionate about?
I truly love lifeguarding. Ever since I was little, it was my dream to be one. I’ve been involved with guarding since I was 8 years old, joining my local competitive lifeguarding team, the Cochrane Water Ninjas. I stayed with them almost nine more years before moving to Kelowna and becoming a fully trained lifeguard and swim lesson instructor. I have continued pushing to stay active in the lifesaving community, running my local Jr. Lifeguarding Club, and acquiring my Life Saving Instructor certification so I can teach Bronze Cross and Medallion as well. I love teaching people about water safety and helping my community to stay safe while they have fun in the water.

Art however, is one of my biggest passions. I want to be involved in as many kinds of art as possible, from drawing and painting, to costume making and even movies. I ultimately wish to pursue a career in illustration for comic books and graphic novels. I’ve been practicing since the time I could hold a pencil, and I haven’t stopped since.

What has been your favourite day of your life, up to this point?
I am particularly fond of the day I attended comic con with my friend in 2018. It was our third time going to the Calgary Comic Expo, and was the one day in the year we always counted the days until. We had worked for weeks on our costumes that year, going as Jessie and James from Pokémon. I had even dyed my hair bright pink for the character and my friend Cherish dyed hers purple.

We met so many lovely people and were just too happy to share our costumes with other people who had put lots of time into their own. It was great to spend a day wandering around downtown Calgary, seeing all of the diversity and friendliness that comes with that one weekend at the end of every April. It’s always a happy day when I get to embrace my geeky side with thousands of others just like me.

What do you miss the most about your Y?
I consider every one of my co-workers a friend, and I miss each and every one of them! I can’t wait to see them all again, and hear about all of the great things they’ve been doing and all of the crazy things they’ve seen.

If you could achieve one thing within your field, what would it be?
I would like to do competitive lifeguarding again. I’d especially love to make a team with the guards in Kelowna, so we can stay fit and connected while still having fun.

What 3 qualities do you feel your Y exemplifies?
My Y is simply amazing. Everyone is so kind, motivated and I have never met people with a better sense of humour. I’ve seen all of my peers go the extra mile for someone else at the Y, whether they’re a patron or a co-worker. Sometimes it’s getting someone a card for their birthday, or covering a shift. Everyone works hard toward their professional and personal goals and shares their progress with others along the way. And I always look forward to being at work because we all love to make each other laugh.

How does your team make a difference every day (now or pre-COVID)?
I think that it is extremely important that we taught water safety, especially when so much of the recreation in the Okanagan is around lakes. I am very proud that we were able to give people of all ages the tools and skills they need to be safe and act appropriately around bodies of water in varying conditions.

What words of encouragement would you say to our Y members/participants/families right now?
It might be stormy now, but rain doesn’t last forever.

What would you like to say to your fellow staff/volunteer team?
I miss you all and I hope you’re doing well! I look forward to seeing all of you soon!

How has your role changed during COVID?
I’m currently not lifeguarding or teaching, but I hope that my art for the pool has helped people to stay encouraged that we will be back to doing what we love again soon.

What does community mean to you?
Community is inclusiveness. Something I struggled with for a long time was finding a place I felt included, and that is why places like comic conventions and the YMCA are so important to me. They are places where everyone is included and welcomed, no matter who they are.

What is your favorite part of your job?
I love opening the pool in the morning. I know everyone who comes in and enjoy greeting all of my fellow morning people.

What Y team member would you like to give a shout-out to and why?
I’d like to give a big thank you to Ethan P. He’s a great friend and co-worker and I can always count on him!