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What is your name? 
SheriLee Voigt.

What is your position with the Y? 
Employment Facilitator at Pandosy.

What do you always find yourself saying? 
I feel so blessed to work where I work.

If you could spend one whole day with anyone in the world (currently alive) who would you select?
Jackie Chan.

Please explain one fond memory you have of the Y.
Being able to celebrate the small steps taken and goals reached by the young professionals I have the opportunity to work with each day.

Are you staying connected with your Y family during this time, and if so, how? 
Yes. Everyday communication and being in a positive light.

Where is your favourite place to “dine”/order takeout in the Okanagan? 
Bohemian Cafe for breakfast!!!

What is your favourite activity while social distancing in the Okanagan?
Time spent with my kids at home and outdoors in nature.

Who inspires you (within your Y family or elsewhere)?
Mother Teresa, Bruce Lee and Einstein.

What are 3 things on your bucket list? 
1. Learn to scuba dive
2. Live and travel with a purpose in and to many exotic places
3. Be the best person I can be by living my true self

Tell us about a defining moment in your life. 
Travelling and living abroad overseas, many amazing adventures and lessons were learned.

What are you passionate about?

What has been your favourite day of your life, up to this point?
Watching the dawn break and sunrise with my kids.

If you could achieve one thing in your field, what would it be?
Keep learning and growing every day from our team and from our participants.

What 3 qualities do you feel your Y exemplifies? 
Support, Discovery and Growth. Each day our Career Development Services teams help support participants in the discovery and exploration of their career and employment based goals. We look at each individual's unique needs and help them to identify their skills, values and interest. It is truly rewarding not only when we see them reach their goals but knowing that they can take this Y experience and tools and use it not only for this moment but for their future moments.

What words of encouragement would you say to our Y member/participants/families right now? 
Live life with gratitude and lead with love. Embrace in yourself, your friends, family and community around you.

What does community mean to you?
Extended part of family that is there for each of us to embrace in, grow within and give back to.

What is your favourite part of your job?
Helping others as well as growing within myself and in my role with the Y.