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Funds raised at Cycle for Strong Kids will help over 1,500 local children, youth and families in need

Pedals pumped, energy soared, and community spirit was high at Cycle for Strong Kids, which blew it’s $130,000 goal away raising a record breaking $204,000 plus! This amount will make it possible for over 1,500 local children to access life-enriching Y programs they would not be able to afford otherwise. Over 170 riders participated in the huge outdoor cycle class during the YMCA’s largest annual fundraiser on Sunday May 28. 
“We are completely astounded by just how much our community stepped up to support Cycle for Strong Kids,” exclaims Tammie Watson, VP of Marketing & Philanthropy at the YMCA of Southern Interior BC. “The impact of this $204,000 will be felt around our community as we empower the increasing number of families, children, and youth who are struggling financially. We are incredibly grateful to everyone for believing in our cause and helping ensure our most vulnerable populations can continue to access programs and services designed to help them thrive.” 

Two young girls with brown hair are playing with water guns and bubbles. Behind them a group of 14 adults dressed in costumes and athletic wear are riding cycle bikes in an outdoor tent and smiling.

With the increasing cost of living and 1 in 5 children in BC living in poverty, more families are having to forgo children’s activities that build upon their physical, mental, and emotional health. 

“We are grateful for and proud to support organizations like the Y that champion for the health and wellbeing of our community” says presenting sponsors Grant Delcourt of Delcourt Advisory Group, Scotia Wealth Management and Ryan Olar of Fresh Air, “every child should be given the chance to be active and develop skills, confidence and self-esteem, and they need a place where they feel they belong and are encouraged to discover their full potential.”  

A 5 year old girl with long brown hair is sitting on a stationary cycle bike for adults and smiling at the camera. Behind her an outdoor cycle class is taking place under a big tent.

All funds raised goes towards providing financial assistance to Y child care, day camps, swim lessons, health memberships, sport, and recreation programs for those facing financial barriers. These donations also allow the Y to offer free programs for at-risk youth and individuals focused on employment readiness, mental wellness, afterschool enrichment, and alternative suspension programs.  
The Y is extremely grateful to all their generous fundraisers, volunteers, supporters, and sponsors who contributed to the events success, presented by Fresh Air and Delcourt Advisory Group at Scotia Wealth Management, with a special thanks to the Thomas Alan Budd Foundation as their matching donor. 
For more information on the event and to see how you can get involved in next year’s Cycle for Strong Kids, contact