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Four adults and one child are standing outside in front of an enormous Christmas tree made of Christmas lights. They are all smiling at the camera and holding a sign that reads 'We've raised $403,00, help us reach $500,000!'.

Community Rallies Behind Tree of Hope Campaign to Reach $1M Goal

The 25th annual Tree of Hope campaign in support of the YMCA of Southern Interior and BGC Okanagan needs your help to reach their goal. This year, the Stober Foundation is #raisinghope by matching all funds raised up to $500,000 to support two local charities whose united mission is to promote healthy and resilient children, youth and families through programs that change lives. 
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A young man with short dark hair, jeans, sun glasses and a black t shirt is sitting cross legged looking out at a beach. The photo is taken behind him and he is looking out at the water, with a bridge full of cars crossing the lake in the distance.

Isaac's Story

After being fired from my first job, I enrolled in a free Y employment program in Kelowna to try and get back on my feet. At the time, I was easily overwhelmed, a bit of a mess, and didn’t really care what I was doing with my life. My stress was building up internally and making me feel crazy.
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Share your Y story

How has the Y has impacted you? We love sharing stories to inspire and encourage others to improve their life through our programs.

Impact Video

We are a local charity determined to build a healthy and thriving community. Whether it’s homework help for vulnerable kids, mindfulness strategies for youth, or heart health programs for seniors, see the range of who and how we are helping individuals at all ages and stages.