Why prescribe exercise at the YMCA for your patients?
Physical activity and exercise are key health indicators that the YMCA is equipped to address.
37% of BC’s population has a chronic disease and is consuming 80% of the health care budget. Stats Canada’s Health Measures Survey shows that only 20% of Canadians are getting enough exercise to maintain basic health and prevent chronic disease. Our health care system will be overwhelmed.
What is Exercise is Medicine® Canada?
Exercise is Medicine® Canada (EIMC) is a health initiative focused on encouraging primary care physicians and other health care providers to include physical activity when designing treatment plans for patients and referring their patients to EIMC credentialed professionals.
EIMC is committed to the belief that physical activity is integral in the prevention and treatment of diseases and should be regularly assessed and “treated” as part of all health care. Exercise is Medicine® is a global health initiative managed by the American College of Sports Medicine. The YMCA of Southern Interior BC is proud to have the credentials to offer this program.
How can we help your patients?
- A CSEP Clinical Exercise Physiologist oversees each patient and begins by making them feel comfortable and welcome through introductory phone calls, one-on-one behaviour-change counselling focusing on self-management skills that result in long-term exercise adherence.
- Enrollment in the appropriate health promotion program for their primary condition (programs developed with guidance from Interior Health to ensure best practice and led by specially trained and certified staff).
- Unlimited access to all programs, services and facility amenities.
- All of the above is included free with membership. Financial assistance is available.
How to refer your patients
- Complete the "Prescription for Exercise" form (PDF). Fill it out, print and sign this prescription and fax it to the location of your patient's choice.
- The YMCA CSEP Clinical Exercise Physiologist physiologist contacts the patients to begin the process of engaging them in exercise.
- Health assessments and progress reports will be faxed or emailed to you at 3 and 6 months.
“My doctor cannot believe the changes I have made. My cholesterol, HDL and lipids have all improved by 50 per cent. I have alsp cut my twice-daily beta blocker down from 50 mg to 12.5 mg.”
“I feel the vibrancy of my life returning. I was in a very lonely place but now I have found a new family.”