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"Dad, slow down!" Those words are music to Jamie’s ears, since only a few years ago he was battling significant health challenges and wasn’t able to keep up with his daughters.

Jamie was more than 120 pounds overweight, had developed Type 2 diabetes and was battling anxiety and depression. He was scared. Everything changed after a sobering visit with his doctor, when he was told that if he didn’t make changes he wouldn’t be alive to see his children grow up.  He knew he needed to do something – if not for himself, then for his daughters.

Jamie wanted to go to a place where he and his family could become involved, where they could make lifestyle changes together. When he walked through the doors of the YMCA, he felt like he was part of a community. He felt at home and met people who believed in his healthy future.

The Y staff helped Jamie make big changes and tackle his goals one small step at a time. That made all the difference - over the next two years, Jamie lost 145 pounds. His physical and mental health improved dramatically. And amazingly, he has become a YMCA wellness instructor, personal trainer, and a group fitness instructor!

Jamie’s health has never been better, and with his YMCA community by his side, he will help many more people become active and healthy.