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What is your name? 
Avery Lawrence.

What is your position with the Y? 
Aquatic Manager.

What Y Centre/program do you work with? 
The Kelowna Family Y.

Please explain one fond memory you have of the Y. 
I've been able to go on a few young leader development trips with the Y. I went to Camp Elphinstone for a leadership workshop and to Toronto for the YMCA Canada AGM. The connections I made during these trips have been life-long.

Are you staying connected with your Y family during this time, and if so, how?
During this COVID time I think many people have to appreciate the Y family more so than ever before. Whether it be stopping by member services to say hi to the members services team, or having in-depth conversations with the aquatic crew, we are all part of one big team and one humongous support system. The Y plays such a big part in creating community, it is a blessing to be able to be a part of it!

Where is your favourite place to "dine"/order takeout in the Okanagan?
I have pancreatitis which makes it difficult to eat out. However, when I am feeling great my favourite unhealthy food is Poutine from Original Joes. Make sure to order dill dip on the side. It's just fantastic!

What is your favourite activity while social distancing in the Okanagan? 
While Social Distancing, I have been falling in love again with all Kelowna has to offer, which has been a real blessing. From the parks, hiking trails, to exploring other neighbourhoods. There is so much to do outside! Insider secret - as soon as darkness hits, no one is out, so it is like having the trails and parks all to yourself.

Who inspires you (within your Y family or elsewhere)? 
Courtney from Facilities at H2O inspires me. She goes above and beyond every day to help out all the departments and keeps our center going with all its moving pieces. She works her feet off every day! At times it can be easy to forget what other fellow employees do that are outside our own department. Courtney has a lot on her plate at work, and always finds the time to say hello, have a quick chat, and ensure other feel valued and appreciated at H2O. She is there to offer support and helps grow our Y staff family. There have been days when I am running on empty, and there is Courtney stopping by for a check in and turning my day around. Her kindness, compassion, work ethic, and energy inspire me.

What do you miss the most about your Y before the pandemic? 
I miss the physical connections between people, even as simple as a handshake or a hug. I took that for granted prior to COVID. For example, when I meet a patron that is trying out our facility, or just become a member, I would welcome them to the Y and shake their hand. Or if a staff, or patron was having hard day and I gave them a quick hug. I miss the physical connection more than I thought I would.

What would you like to your fellow staff/volunteer team?
I would say that we are all in this together, and a smile, hello, or "nice to see you" goes such a long way. I have heard from many of our members that they feel isolated during these COVID times. Their one outing for the day is coming to the Y. Through-out their visit, they are met with so many smiling faces from our staff in all departments. From a welcoming smile, a quick chat to see how their day is going, or laughing with them, they feel that human connection we all crave. You never truly know what others are going through, so treat every encounter as an opportunity to create a connection and turn someone's day around.