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What is your name?
Doug Pumphrey

What is your position with the Y?
Facility Operations Manager

What Y centre do you work at?
H2O Adventure + Fitness Centre

If you could spend one whole day with anyone in the world who is currently alive, who would you select?
Chris Hadfield — Canadian Astronaut

Please share one fond memory you have of the Y.
My two sons winning a Halloween costume contest… they were about 4 and 5 at the time (they are 34 and 35 now)

Are you staying connected with your Y family during this time, and if so, how?
Yes. I send out emails and Y newsletters regularly.

Where is your favourite place to “dine” (order takeout) in the Okanagan right now?
Lorna’s Kitchen

What is your favourite activity while physical distancing in the Okanagan?

Who inspires you?
My wife Lorna. She is my rock.

What are 3 things on your bucket list?
Drive the Dempster Highway, salmon fishing in Haida Gwaii, driving to East coast

Tell us about a defining moment in your life.
When my sons were born.

What are you passionate about?
Lots of things…my family, fishing, wood working, metal work, birding

What do you miss the most about your Y?

What 3 qualities do you feel your Y exemplifies?
Integrity, morals, helping others

How is your team making a difference right now?
Making the facility a better place for when we reopen.

What words of encouragement would you say to our Y members/participants/families right now?
Hang in there… we got this.

What would you like to say to your fellow staff/volunteer team?
Thanks for your support and understanding… hopefully it won’t be long now.

How has your role changed during COVID?
More work… less admin.

What does community mean to you?
Helping one another out.

What is your favorite part of your job?
Hands on. Helping and teaching others.

What Y team member would you like to give a shout-out to and why?
Steve Hebden… He has such a great work ethic and is a pleasure to work with.